The writing life is a wonderful life. Although it is not as easy as people would think it it. How many authors do you know? Not too many I am guessing. There is a reason for that.
While the writing life does appeal to many with working in your pajamas and sleeping in if you want too, there are many aspects of the writing life that people seem to forget exist.
The main one is that you have to write. So many want to have written, but don't want to actually write. If the urge to write isn't with you, and I mean every day, than you have no right trying to think that you should live the writing life.
Having said that, I don't want to discourage anyone from trying to write. Far from it. What I am trying to say is that if you don't have the drive to sit down and write every day, than you are in for a long and agonizing road to nowhere.
The writing life does have its advantages, but it also is work.
I couldn't agree more with this entry.
If you are not passionate about writing, if it doesn't nag at you when you are doing something else, if it doesn't keep you awake at odd hours, if it doesn't pervade your waking life, then you probably shouldn't bother. Save yourself a whole lot of hassle.
Thanks for the comment Scott. It does really have to be in your blood.
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