Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Getting the Writing Done July 24th

I'm plugging away at some freelance writing this morning. Although, I'm thinking about my fictional book that I'm working on as well. I have the first draft done and now it's time to start looking at revising.
But for right now, I have to work on a project for a client, writing articles for their website. It's not the most ideal work I would do, but hey, I'm getting paid to write, so that's good.s
Recently, I have had a bit of luck writing for a local newspaper. I'm slowly getting some gigs from them, but what I'm really waiting for is a response to some of the query letters that I've sent out to magazine editors. I haven't heard back from any yet. Being new at this, I don't really know if it does take awhile, like many weeks, to hear back, or if my queries have gone in the trash.

Oh well, for now I've got my butt in the chair and I'm writing. I hope you all are getting your butt's in your chairs. 


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