Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Back Page Of My Friends Book

I thought that I would show off the back page summary of my friends book, "The Book of Mengel." It's pretty awesome fantasy story. If you like that sort of thing, you should check it out. It's available only on the Kindle as an E-Book right now. I think he is working on other formats though.

An Orc army, five thousand strong, is on the war path. Their target: the Moorland Wizards Castle. The army will arrive in seven days.

The headmaster of the Moorland Wizards, Beltharius, detects the marching army several days out from the castle. He knows it’s futile fighting such a large army on their own and suspects that he knows of the one person who might be able to prevent the total massacre of the wizards. Thus he sends Kendra Filligree, the lost love of Tavis Brantin, to lure him back to the castle.

Tavis is bitter over being forced to leave the castle nine years earlier and vows never to return. Only now, the woman he loved has re-entered his life and is asking him to return to the castle. Reluctantly, not wanting to lose Kendra again, he returns to the castle with her, unaware that he is being used to help the fate of the Wizards.

Tavis is unknowingly the descendant of the greatest Druid to ever walk the land. The headmaster knows that a druid’s power over nature is a massive power, the likes no wizard could ever hope to attain, and Tavis would be the sword edge the wizards need to clash with and destroy their enemy. He has only to decipher the Book of Mengel to channel the druidic powers he needs.

Tavis is able to read the Book of Mengel, thus learning how to control nature and its power, while slowly transforming into the New Druid. In his studies, Tavis also learns more about himself, and the imbalance of man and nature, yet struggles with helping the Moorland Wizards or turning his back and leaving them to fate for banning him years earlier.

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